Blessverage Premium Kefir

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Milk Kefir Grains

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a probiotic drink made by the fermentation of beneficial microbes that is full of important nutrients to supplement & maintain our gut health.

Where did it come from?

The word 'kefir' in Turkish means 'long life' or 'good life'. Kefir is believed to have originated 1400 years ago in the Caucasus mountains. The secret of kefir making was passed down to the people the the Caucasus mountains historically known for their good health & long life.

What are the health benefits of kefir?

Kefir provides a rich source of probiotic-based nutrients that can enhance the natural metabolic functioning of our gut & maintain overall good health. Scientific studies have linked kefir to specific health benefits that include:

-improving brain health

-maintaining a healthy body weight

-boosting the immune system

-reducing inflammation

-controlling blood sugar & cholesterol levels

What is the role of probiotics in our daily life?

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that help maintain a balanced composition of good microbes in our gut. They are a natural part of our digestive system that help to break down the foods we eat into important vitamins and nutrients. Probiotics can also help to restore damages caused by daily stressors in our lives, so that we can have better health and mental clarity in what we do everyday happier and more rejuvenated.